Friday, May 29, 2009

Character Bio: Prince Hydron

Name: Prince Hydron
Age: Maybe 15
Attribute: Unknown
Side: Vestals (Prince)
Regular- Unknown
Likes: Looking at his guardian statues
Traits: Spoiled
Footnotes: Commands all Vestals

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Character Bio: Shadow

Name: Shadow Prov
Age: Probably 13
Attribute: Darkus
Side: Resistance (Vexos)
Regular- Lost to Baron
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Taunting people
Traits: Merciless
Footnotes: Ranked 4th in Vexos

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Character Bio: Baron

Name: Baron
Age: Around 11
Attribute: Haos
Side: Resistance
Regular- Nemus, Jildan, Rafflesian
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Praising Dan
Traits: Naive
Footnotes: Used to own Tigrerra

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bakugan Altair

To all viewers I make an earnest plea. I would love it if someone found a Bakugan Aquos Altair. If you do, please comment on this post. Thank you.

Episode 3: Get Psyched

Dan and Marucho are trying out new Vestal uniforms. Mira gives Dan various other Bakugan to use in battle. Baron begs to become a student of "Master Dan." Dan accepts.
During training, Dan informs Baron that the most important part of the battle is getting psyched or excited about it. While he and Baron repeat it constantly to get it into their head, a Vexos spy droid spys on them.
Prince Hydron notices the Resistance, and orders Spectra to send Mylene to destroy the Resistance. However, a new member, the Darkus master, Shadow, tags along and offers to drive the hovercraft.
During training, Baron breaks down and says he's responsible for losing Tigrerra and he's not worthy to be taught by Dan. Mira tells Baron that unless he can prove himself, he should just quit the Resistance. Baron and Dan are about to complainm when the group spots a ship in the sky. It makes several spectacular loops in the air, before crashing, or better used in a situation like this, demolishing, the ground. A very confused Shadow comes out, and as punishment, Mylene forces him to do the battle.
Dan offers to fight, but Baron is forced to by Mira to prove himself. He has a tough fight with Shadow, who plays an ability card that forces him to battle. His first 2 Bakugan are defeated and his life gauge has 50 G's left. However, he refuses to play Nemus.
Dan realizes that Baron needs support, and the Resistance orders Nemus to tell Baron how he feels. Nemus tells Baron that "he can't win a battle if he doesn't battle at all." This encourages Baron to throw Nemus on the field.
Shadow sends all his Bakugan on the field, but Baron reveals his Ace, a card that shifts G's. Nemus gets all of Shadow's Bakugan's combined power level and Baron reduces Shadow's life gauge to 0, and frees 3 Bakugan in 1 battle.
After the fight, Baron has regained confidence. Meanwhile, Mira explains to Dan she saw her brother on the day she witnessed Hydranoid being tortured. She says he disappeared and she knows that he's fighting to free the Bakugan. Baron makes a joke tells the duo to hurry up, or he'll take charge, which Dan and Mira laugh at. The Resistance sets off...

Introduced Characters:
Humans- None
Vestals- Mylene, Shadow
Bakugan- Jeldon, Rafflesian, Anchorsaur, Hammersaur, Archebee

Weekly Picture:

Nemus, Baron's guardian Bakugan

Next Episode Preview:
Marucho seems really down without his guardian Bakugan, Preyas, buthe soon encounters a new one, Elfin, but it's hard winning her trust. Meanwhile, Mylene attacks with an ancient Bakugan, Tripod Theta. Will Marucho win this tough battle?

May 30, 11:00 A.M.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Maxus 7 in 1 Bakugan

Great news everyone. Bakugan is becoming more advanced with every new series. They have now released Maxus 7 in 1 Bakugan. That's right! I huge Bakugan created from 7 smaller ones. Right now, the pieces for Maxus Helios have been released. The pieces needed to make it are Helios, Klawger, Scrapper, Spindle, Fencer, Foxbat, and Leefram. The pieces needed to make Maxus Dragonoid are coming soon. Stay tuned!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Character Bio: Ace

Name: Ace
Age: Around 14
Attribute: Darkus
Side: Resistance
Regular- Percival
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Battling others
Traits: Proud like Dan
Footnotes: A rival and friend to Dan

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Episode 2: Facing Ace

While Dan narrates, the previous episode, it can be shown the Vexos are reporting to Prince Hydron about Drago, the last of the 6 fighting Bakugan. He then shows his 5 sculptures, that were the fighting Bakugan.
Mira tells Dan about her story on the way to meet the resistance. She was looking for her father, Professor Clay, when she saw a fighting Bakugan, Hydranoid, being tortured and turned into a sculpture. She tries to stop her father, but is kicked out.
Meanwhile, Mira's team reaches their base, but are interrupted by Baron, who is Dan's biggest fan, While Dan is busy showin off, Ace comes in. He says that Earthlings shouldn't be allowed to fight for the Resistance and decides to test Dan's ability as a Brawler.
Soon, a battle kicks in. Dan has a bad start, but manages to defeat Ace's Darkus Percival once putting him in the lead.
After an ensuing battle scene, Dan and Ace have 50 G's left in their life gauge. After playing for 3 hours, they fall into a ditch and strat laughing at how foolish they were. They declare it a draw.
Later, Mira is explaining to Dan and Marucho about Vestal technology and what happened. The Vestals created controllers in 3 dimensions, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, to turn the Bakugan back into spheres. It's the Resistance's mission to destroy the controllers. Dan and Marucho agree to help.
Meanwhile, Mira starts to think about her brother...

Introduced Characters:
Human- None
Vestals- Professor Clay, Mira's brother
Bakugan- Percival, Hydranoid, Saurus

Weekly Picture:

Ace, the Resistance hotshot and Darkus brawler, with his guardian Percival

Next Episode Preview:
Baron feels discouraged after he lost Tigrerra to Spectra. He believes that he isn't a good brawler, but that changes when he's challenged by Shadow Probe, the Darkus Vexos master. Will he end up losing his beloved Nemus?

May 23, 11:00 A.M.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Character Bio: Spectra

Name: Spectra Phantom
Age: More than 12
Attribute: Pyrus
Side: Vestals (Vexos leader)
Regular- Viper Helios, Hyper Dragonoid
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Capturing the 6 fighting Bakugan for Prince Hydron
Traits: Very mysterious
Footnotes: Very similar to Masquerade

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Aquos Elfin Wallpaper

Hi. This is the wallpaper I'm entering for a Bakugan contest on an amazing website called Bakugan Dojo. Please don't make fun of the wallpaper I spent a long time making.

Character Bio: Mira

Age: Probably 13
Attribute: Subterra
Side: Resistance (Leader)
Regular- Wilda
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Recruiting new Resistance members
Traits: Kind
Footnotes: Leader of Resistance

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Character Bio: Lync

Age: Probably 12
Attribute: Ventus
Side: Vestals (Vexos)
Regular- Lost to Dan
Trap- Currently none
Likes: Making fun of people
Traits: Babyish
Footnotes: 6th ranked brawler of Vexos

Monday, May 11, 2009

Character Bio: Dan

Hi. This is a character bio. I'll be going through new characters everyday.

Dan Kuso:
Age: 12
Attribute: Pyrus
Side: Resistance
Regular- Neo Dragonoid, various other Bakugan
Trap- None yet
Likes- Brawling
Traits- Powerful
Rival with Ace

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rules of Bakugan: New Vestroia

The rules for Bakugan in New Vestroia has changed dramatically.

1. There are now only ability cards, which serve as gate cards too. Two abilities can be played at once. Extremely strong Bakugan, like Neo Dragonoid, can play triple abilities.
2. A Bakugan can be anywhere in the battlefield.
3. Instead of a Doom Dimension like in the old episodes, a Bakugan is taken if it's defeated by over 500 G's.
For example: Subterra Wilda with 850 G's defeats a Haos Freezer with 300 G's. The Freezer is lost by the opponent.
4. There's now a life gauge which drains depending on how many G's you are defeated by.
For example: Aquos Elfin with 600 G's defeats a Ventus Atmos with 350 G's. The loser loses 250 G's in a life gauge.
The life gauge has approximately 500 G's.
Once the life gauge reaches 0, you lose.
5. A gauntlet must be used to play.
To activate a battle, the players yell, "Gauntlet, Power Strike!"
6. The ability cards had a makeover and are fancier.
7. Ability cards must be inserted into the gauntlet to play.
8. A trap Bakugan can be used once per game. In the show, it serves as a partner monster. In the strategy game, it changes a Bakugan's element or gives it a boost.
9. Defeated Bakugan can be reused.
10. When two Bakugans collide when thrown, the Bakugan with higher G's wins.

That's it. I'll update this as much as I can. I'm incorporating some of these rules for my own Bakugan games.

Episode 1: Invasion of the Vestals

It starts with Dan narrating about his past glory with the other Brawlers and how the other Bakugan were released into Vestroia.
Meanwhile, some of the Bakugan were wandering along, notably Sirenoid, a prominent Bakugan in the first season. All of the sudden, machines landed on the ground, turned the Bakugan into spheres, and sucked them away.
It's later explained that a group of people named the Vestals landed on Vestroia. Some loved the Bakugan they found there, and started the Resistance. The majority started enslaving the Bakugan on the planet, and built the machines earlier. An elite organization was made called the Vexos, made up of one master for each attribute.
Dan gets a vision of Vestroia, but passes it off as nothing.
Later, Spectra, the leader of Vexos and Pyrus master, was fighting with his guardian, Helios. A resistance rookie, Baron, tried to hold him off. However, he ends up losing Blade Tigrerra, a very important Bakugan in all the former seasons. Spectra reports this to the leader of the Vestals, Prince Hydron...
Later, six legendary soldiers of Vestroia, one for each attribute, gathered around the core that kept Vestroia in balance, the Perfect Core. Drago, Dan's partner, was the core itself. However, Drago allowed the soldiers to seperate him from the core, so he could get help in the human world against the Vestals. In the process, Drago becomes a weaker form called Neo Dragonoid.
Meanwhile, Dan, Marucho, Runo, and Julie, four of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers, were gathered until interrupted by Drago falling through the sky. He informs them of the crisis on Vestroia and tries to sneak off with Dan alone into the portal to Vestroia. Marucho overhears and comes with them.
Two members of the Resistance, the leader, Mira, and the hotshot, Ace, detect Dan, Marucho, and Drago landing on Vestroia. Mira arrives to check it out and finds two of the Vexos, Lync, Ventus master, and Volt, Haos master.
Together, Mira teaches Dan the new rules of Bakugan. Dan manages to take down the Vexos and save Mira's guardian, Wilda. Mira realizes Dan and Marucho are two of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers that helped to make New Vestroia.
In the end, Mira wonders whether the Resistance will stand a chance against the Vexos with Dan with the Resistance...

Introduced Characters:
Humans- Dan, Marucho, Runo, Julie
Vestals- Mira, Ace, Baron, Prince Hydron, Spectra, Lync, Volt
Bakugan- Neo Dragonoid, Sirenoid, Nemus, Blade Tigrerra, Wilda, Flybeetle, Verias, Atmos, Freezer

Weekly Picture:

The star of the show, Neo Dragonoid

Next Episode Preview:
Dan must prove himself to the Resistance's hotshot, Ace, by defeating his Darkus Percival in battle. Dan is at risk of losing Drago. Will the two hotheaded brawlers destroy each other before the victor is declared?

May 16, 11:00 A.M.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bakugan Picture Gallery

I'm releasing one new picture everyday:

Haos Elfin
G-power changing wheel
Comment if you know how to get an Aquos Elfin

Ventus Ingram
My brother's personal favorite
Has yet to be released in the anime

Lync and Altair
Lync is the Ventus master of the Vexos and my favorite
He acts like a baby
Altair has yet to be seen in the anime

Tripod Theta
My favorite trap Bakugan
Appeared in the anime under control of... oops... almost revealed it
Not yet released

Neo Dragonoid
An evolution of Dan's Dragonoid
Dan's partner
Released in stores

I will now start posting a picture for every episode.

Countdown to New Vestroia

I was planning to use a countdown gadget for Blogger, but it does not work currently, so I'll have to update this every few hours.

Official Release Date:
May 9, 2009, 11:00 A.M., Channel 32

It's here!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bakugan Dojo

Hi all. Check out this other Bakugan website, my inspiration, where you can buy Bakugan and check out the latest news!
It's Bakugan Dojo!
I'll see you there!

List of Bakugan

This of a list of Bakugan my friends, brother, and I have. No, I will not be making any trades. This will be updated as I get more Bakugan.

Me: (Aquos)
Guardian: Currently none
Aquos- Juggernoid, Falconeer, Dragonoid
Haos- Tigrerra, Saurus
Subterra- Stinglash
Bakuneon: None
Traps: None

My Brother: (Ventus)
Guardian: Currently none
Pyrus- Dragonoid, Gorem (translucent), Skyress, Falconeer, Serpenoid
Ventus: Juggernoid
Bakuneon: None
Traps: None

Rushil: (Varied)
Guardian: Ventus Harpus
Bakuneon: None
Traps: None
Retired Player

Arush: (Pyrus)
Guardian: Pyrus Fourtress
Bakugan: Unrecorded
Bakuneon: None
Traps: None
Retired Player

Sheel: (Darkus)
Guardian: Darkus Delta Dragonoid
Bakugan: Unrecorded
Bakuneon: Unknown
Traps: Unknown
Retired Player

Ben and Raymond: (Subterra)
Guardian: Subterra unknown
Bakugan: Unknown
Bakuneon: Unknown
Traps: Unknown


Hi everyone! It's me Oliver. In the air of all the excitement of the Bakuneon and Bakugan: New Vestroia, which was released in Canada and rumored to air in America on May 9th 11:00 A.M., I've created a 4th blog for this purpose, with episode summaries and new releases of Bakugan.
Well, some of you may be wondering what is Bakugan. It's a show originating from Japan, which has become so popular, it's been turned into a popular game! The game involves marbles and magnetic gate cards.
For those of you who know what Bakugan is, I hope you'll be entertained reading the news I 'm posting weekly about Bakugan.
I'll see you soon!